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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發(fā)布時間:2021-10-06


Many roads are under construction, and the demand for fences has greatly increased, but fences are divided into movable and immovable. However, many construction sites with short construction period use fixed fences, such as PVC fences. The cost of metal fences is too high, so movable fences are adopted one after another, which is very convenient. This type of enclosure is called temporary simple enclosure.
Generally, the construction period is short and it needs to be transported and used repeatedly. In this case, the temporary simple enclosure is generally selected. What problems should be paid attention to when using the temporary simple enclosure produced by our company? Let's focus on the small series of Jinan enclosure manufacturers!
Although the temporary simple enclosure has many advantages, its wind resistance performance is not very high. Because the cement base is below, it is easy to fall when there is a strong wind. At this time, external forces can be used for reinforcement, such as adding diagonal bracing, hanging sandbags, etc. In view of this situation, pengfa has specially launched a triangular support version of simple enclosure, and welded the triangular support under the enclosure column, which not only avoids the difficulty of handling the base. It can also be fixed on the ground at the necessary time of strong wind to avoid damage.

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