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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-12-13

The enclosure is generally a steel frame structure, and the metal is welded into a frame, which is made of square tubes, angle steel, galvanized plates, and painting pictures. Then what is strictly forbidden to use construction fence? Next, Jinan enclosure manufacturer will explain it to you.
1. It is strictly prohibited to use colored strip cloth as fence.
2. As required by the municipal government, it is strictly prohibited to use bamboo fences and colored strip cloth as fences; It is strictly prohibited to erect bamboo fence for construction; It is strictly prohibited to use woven bags and colored plastic plates for enclosure construction; It is strictly forbidden to damage the fence, dump the fence, or have poor safety and fixation; It is strictly prohibited to enclose commercial advertisements or publicize the content of the enterprise's advertising pictures without approval.
3. In terms of enclosure approval, when approving temporary road occupation for street storefront decoration and municipal engineering road excavation, urban road authorities must specify the setting standard, time and scope of construction enclosures, and copy the approval content to road maintenance departments and urban management law enforcement departments.
During the foundation construction, pay attention to the situation of underground pipelines at any time. If there are pipelines, try to bypass them, and take protective measures for the pipelines where they can't be bypassed. It is strictly prohibited to carry out brutal construction. If the underground pipelines are damaged, the consequences shall be borne by yourself.
After the curing of foundation concrete reaches a certain strength, the construction of enclosure framework (i.e. enclosure main column) shall be carried out according to the spacing in the drawing. The professional enclosure installation personnel shall install the column according to the location of the measured column. After the column is installed, the angle steel shall be used to connect the column into a whole with even spacing, and the welding method shall be used for connection. The stability and firmness of the upright shall be ensured.
Strictly control the quality of material procurement to ensure that the quality of materials entering the site meets the requirements for enclosure fabrication. The anchor bolts of the construction enclosure shall have a certain length (not less than 10cm) to increase the anchoring force between the enclosure and the ground.
The square cage or square steel of the main column of the enclosure must be firmly welded. Before installation, the technicians of the Project Department shall inspect it. The construction can be started only after the inspection is qualified. The fabrication of the construction fence plate surface requires reasonable size blanking, and the sealing plate is neat without gaps, so as to scratch the picture.
After the enclosure construction is completed, special personnel shall be arranged to inspect the connection parts such as bolts and welding of the enclosure. If any loose parts are found, they shall be reinforced or reworked in a timely manner. More relevant content will come to our website http://www.dajiajie.cn Consult and understand!

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