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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-11-02

After the completion of PVC enclosure construction, ensure that the connection between "plates and surfaces" is smooth, and there shall be no gap left in a straight line, that is, ensure that the on-site construction can not be seen, and do a good job of isolating the construction site from the outside. Jinan enclosure manufacturer analyzed the reasons why the PVC enclosure structure is not firm:
(1) In order to save materials, some manufacturers and construction units are installing PVC enclosures, and some construction units think that the walls at the construction site are temporary, so they do not attach importance to the installation and construction of enclosures and do not follow the standard requirements.
(2) In some places where there is no foundation concrete foundation, only soil, piles of sandstone or other building materials are left to set fences at construction sites, which is very easy to cause the collapse of PVC fences.
Although the enclosure of the construction site is only a temporary preventive measure, it still needs to be carefully carried out according to the construction requirements and standards, which is related to personal safety and life, and needs attention.
Construction technology of PVC enclosure:
The excavation depth of PVC enclosure soft soil foundation pit shall not be less than 500mm. Construction sequence: the foundation pit foundation consists of compacted M5 cement mortar and 500 wide brick foundation masonry. The first layer is 370 brick masonry, the first layer is 1000 mm high 240 solid brick masonry M1 clay mortar masonry, and the first layer is 240 empty bucket wall M5 cement mortar pressure top.
When the PVC enclosure is built on the ground, the foundation excavation depth shall not be less than 400mm. Construction sequence: First of all, M5 cement mortar is used to build two layers of 500 wide brick foundation. The first layer is 370 masonry, and the first layer is 500 high solid brick masonry M1 clay mortar. The top of the 240 empty barrel wall is built with M5 cement mortar.
When building PVC enclosure wall, the spacing of brick wall shall be set according to the standard requirements. Generally speaking, the stack length of bricks is 3-6 meters. During the construction of the wall, the overall stability of the wall shall be guaranteed. Another point to note is that dumping of soil, stacking of sandstone or other building materials is strictly prohibited on one side of the brick wall. More relevant content will come to our website http://www.dajiajie.cn Consult and understand!

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