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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-07-25

Among so many PVC fence manufacturers on the market, most of them may still produce some fences with low material price and low safety. Nowadays, ordinary fences can no longer solve the problem of safety performance at the construction site. The materials used for PVC fences seen with current technology are defective, which are not only not corrosion-resistant, but also have a short service life, and recycling is also very troublesome.
Now the PVC baffle material has a unique production and treatment process. Shenzhen Xudong steel structure is a PVC baffle manufacturer. The PVC baffle material we produce is made of PVC, which is not easy to rust, corrosion resistance, strong compression resistance, durable, flame retardant and other characteristics. It remains stable no matter in hot summer and cold, rain, snow, wind and frost. Cleaning only requires water pipe spraying, which can make the enclosure fresh and pleasing to the eye. Even if some dirt is stubborn, it can be removed by gently wiping.
Let's talk about the installation of ordinary fences and PVC fences. The unique material of PVC enclosure is completely different from other ordinary enclosures in the connection of components. A new connection mode is adopted to connect the vertical rod with the horizontal rod, and the connection between the horizontal rod and the column solves the main defect of the common fence that corrodes quickly at the threaded connection. The installation of ordinary fences is time-consuming. After long-term use, it is a major problem that the project needs to be demolished at the end of the project. The assembly and disassembly of PVC enclosure is convenient and fast, which can meet the speed requirements of some construction land.
After the appearance of such PVC fence products, customers reported after purchasing and using that such fence has soft color, no light pollution, strong affinity and high aesthetics. PVC fences can also be directly painted with customized advertising according to customer needs, which can also play a great help. Come to the website for more relevant content http://www.dajiajie.cn Consult.

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