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來(lái)源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-06-14

The construction of reinforcement processing shed is a work requiring continuous operation. In the process of work, there will be rain, wind, night construction and other weather conditions that are not suitable for construction operations. The environment has the requirements of anti electric leakage (dry environment) and sufficient lighting, otherwise there will be discontinuous or unsafe operations such as continuous operation pause or rain operation, which will pose a certain danger to personal safety. At this time, the steel bar processing shed came in handy.
The overall operation environment of pile foundation is relatively poor, and the external environment such as traffic and site basically cannot meet the requirements of indoor operation. In order to ensure the continuity, safety and reliability of construction, it is very necessary to create a relatively feasible and safe operation environment in the field for the safety of pile foundation construction. The internal functional areas of the processing yard include processing and manufacturing area, raw material stacking area, semi-finished product stacking area, waste stacking area, transportation channel, etc.
The reinforcement processing shed is provided with six areas: reinforcement storage area, processing area, semi-finished product storage area, finished product storage area, waste stacking area and living area, as well as four sets of infrastructure such as water, electricity, environmental sanitation and drainage. The site selection shall be as flat as possible, close to the main road and with convenient transportation, so as to facilitate the mobilization of raw materials and the transportation of semi-finished products and finished products produced in the site to the construction site.
With the support of specialization, informatization, mechanization and industrialization, it is ensured to realize standardization in four aspects: site construction, equipment use, reinforcement processing technology and reinforcement installation technology. The area of the reinforcement site shall meet the construction requirements, and shall be equipped with qualified supporting construction equipment and trained construction operators. The construction site shall be reasonably selected, with convenient transportation, water and electricity, and centralized processing and management.
The reinforcement plant is built with color steel shed, and necessary protective measures are taken to ensure that it is solid and firm. All concrete in the site shall be hardened, and the surrounding drainage shall be smooth, meeting the relevant requirements of safety, environmental protection, fire protection, civilized construction, etc.
In addition, a video monitoring system is arranged around and inside the reinforcement processing shed to monitor the full coverage inside and outside the site. In combination with the layout of the whole reinforcement processing shed, a 6m wide and longitudinal logistics channel is set in the middle of the plant area to ensure convenient access of transport vehicles. The reinforcement processing shed is mainly used for cutting and welding of reinforcement, and prohibition and warning signs are set in the place. Operators shall wear safety protection equipment during construction, operate in strict accordance with the operating procedures, and uniformly make equipment identification signs, rules and regulations and operating procedures. To sum up, you must have known something about it.
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