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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-05-30

Construction method of site enclosure
The main function of the construction enclosure is to isolate the construction site from the external environment and make the construction site a relatively closed space, so as to ensure the smooth progress of the construction and avoid the accidental entry of pedestrians and safety accidents.
The construction enclosure structure includes the selection of various masonry materials to build the enclosure structure, and the selection of various formed plates to form a whole. The protective body is usually detected by mechanical expansion bolts and chemical threads. The steel base plate at the bottom of the column is fixed in the center of the lower base and evenly distributed. The lower base of masonry or concrete pouring is constructed by civil engineering.
In addition, in order to ensure that the straightness of the upper and lower ends is within the straight section after the completion of the guardrail device, the upper and lower parallel lines shall be used to adjust the benchmark. The spacing between the column and the steel lining must be consistent with the planning scale to ensure that the pre assembled semi-finished products can be connected with it.
It should be noted that during site construction, only the horizontal lining of guardrail and column needs to be connected and fixed. Therefore, before leaving the factory, the installation and connection of the horizontal and rigid steel lining of the guardrail must be reinforced with various bearing points.
Design idea of site enclosure
Modular design: carry out standardized definition for construction fence, and realize standardized production for column, upper and lower fence, interface, construction fence manufacturer edge wrapping, etc. to form modular design. Product modularization can not only solve the contradiction between product production standards, production cycle and production cost, but also provide necessary conditions for the rapid renewal of products, the improvement of product quality, the convenience of repair, the rapid construction on site, etc., so as to enhance the competitiveness of products.
Circular design: the enclosure can be reused, and the damaged parts can be quickly replaced. The enclosure that is easy to be removed can be transplanted to other engineering projects for continuous use, which can reduce the secondary investment cost of the construction unit and reduce the enterprise expenditure, so as to achieve multiple use of parts and resources.
Environmental protection design: the enclosure adopts PVC material or color steel plate as the surface layer. Both materials can be recycled to reduce environmental pressure and protect the environment.
That's all for the construction method and design idea of enclosure. If you want to learn more, please visit our website at www.jnpfjc Com consulting!

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