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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發(fā)布時間:2022-05-23

Enclosure is a common equipment in our life, which is used to separate the construction site from the place without construction. Next, we will introduce the problems and applications that should be paid attention to when setting.
Precautions during setting:
When we use fences, we will occupy some road facilities and give them a detour space. It is something to consider when erecting fences, especially now many fences still exist, parking spaces and so on. These also need to consider the layout of enclosures when erecting fences.
Different conditions will have different effects on the shell. Everyone should pay attention. In addition, in the design of enclosure structure, another very important point is the safety of enclosure.
The enclosure itself is a barrier configured for safety, so the safety function is also the color of everyone. It is very important for the enclosure manufacturer not to pay attention to the color when arranging the enclosure.
Simple mobile enclosures can be selected for temporary construction sites, such as residential substation maintenance, road repair, temporary excavation, external wall decoration and other small temporary construction sites. Simple enclosures can save money. Moreover, they are simple and do not need to be installed. However, some counties and cities without specific regulations may also use simple enclosures.
The enclosure structure is suitable for general site construction. The enclosure structure is light, simple and cheap, but it is not as convenient as the enclosure, but it still needs to be installed. The price is relatively cheap and easy to carry, but if it is not used for a long time, it will fade in about 1-2 years. Outdoor long-term sun and rain will corrode and affect safety. The construction period can be considered as one to two years. regulations.
Jinan enclosure is applicable to all construction sites without special provisions. The enclosure deck is widely used and can be used in almost all construction sites. It can be used for a long time, reliable and not easy to corrode. It can meet almost all the management regulations of different cities, but the price is more expensive than the above two, so you can generally choose large long-term construction sites and fences that must be used according to local regulations.
These are the problems and applications that our Jinan enclosure manufacturer introduced to you when setting enclosure. If you want to know more about this product, you can follow our website www.dajiajie.cn com!

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