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來(lái)源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-05-08

  Rebar processing shed has strong safety performance, beautiful appearance and eye-catching warning advantages. Then what kind of operation specifications are there when the processing shed is used?
  1. Before operation, move the flywheel by hand, check the transmission mechanism and working device, adjust the clearance, firm the screws, and start the empty operation after confirmation. Check that the bearing should have the same sound and the gear should be in good engagement.
  2. Check the lubrication condition before operation and lubricate according to the lubrication table; Check the tightness of triangle belt; Check whether the transmission mechanism has abnormal phenomenon. If it is a rotary cutter head shearing type, run the straightening cylinder for 12 minutes first, and start the cutting mechanism after normal operation. At the same time, check whether the clutch is flexible and reliable. Check the circuit and switch, wire connection should be firm, fuse should meet the requirements, electromagnetic switch should be reliable contact, flexible action, grounding should be good.
  3, in the straightening block is not fixed, the protective cover is not covered before the reinforcement, in order to prevent the straightening block after the machine starts to throw out wounding.
  4. Cut off the non-straight material head or knock the straight material head with a hammer to facilitate feeding; Install a one meter long steel pipe in the front of the guide cylinder. After the straightening steel bar passes through the steel pipe, it is put into the guide cylinder and the straightening cylinder to prevent each plate of steel bar from being thrown out when it is close to straightening.
  5, must be stopped under the condition of steel plate, wire threading and lead head cut or straight. When the steel bar penetrates, the hand and the drag roller must keep a certain distance, not close to prevent hand injury accidents.
  6, mechanical operation is strictly prohibited to open each part of the shield and adjust the gap, if found abnormal situation, should immediately stop the inspection, not forced use.
  7. The temperature of each bearing should be checked in the operation, especially the temperature of aligning cylinder bearing. The temperature of each bearing should not be higher than 60℃ (limited to the heat that can be accepted by hand)。
  8. After stopping the machine, the aligning block of the aligning cylinder should be loosened to return to its original position, and the preloaded spring must also return to its original position.
  9. Clean up the site after the steel processing shed operation, remove the dirt and dust on the body, cut off the power supply, lock the switch box, and straighten the steel bar cut off according to the specifications.
  If you want to know more, you are welcome to contact us at any time through the website www.dajiajie.cn!

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