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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-04-06

  The formation of enclosure will use a variety of materials, after processing, the deformation of different procedures is more common, but some users do not understand, let's talk about this problem.
  Ji 'nan shell deformation is related to the quality of the material. Different materials deform to different degrees after stamping. Stainless steel has the largest degree of deformation and is difficult to flatten. This is because the steel of stainless steel has a certain toughness, so it is difficult to achieve the same flatness before stamping.
  The influence of the smoothness of the ji 'nan shell is the edge of the board. The larger the edge, the worse the flatness, especially the larger the aperture ratio, the larger the aperture. The bigger the edge, the worse the flatness. But don't worry, we have professional flattening equipment. We will do our best to flatten the paper for the convenience of our customers.
  Ji 'nan processing is completed, the surface is smooth. The so-called "leveling" refers to the use of leveling machine and other equipment, so that the punching plate in numerical control stamping after the restoration of the original leveling state. In addition, the housing is usually cleaned after leveling, during which time it is treated with lubricant to make the NC punching plate cleaner.
  In order to greatly reduce all kinds of errors in the production process, it is necessary to determine how to process, use what kind of mold, use what kind of method to better calendering products before production, so as to ensure the quality of CNC stamping products to the greatest extent.
  Another WeiDang use circumstance very much, such as a number of municipal engineering, road building, hospital, school, factory workshop, square, villa, green belts and other places around caigang WeiDang are used to the site, and ensure steady and surely an ornament on the surrounding environment also play a protective role, some easy to pollute the environment when the construction site, form of noise, affect traffic. Therefore, it is necessary to set up a temporary activity enclosure in the surrounding area to isolate the scene, prevent injuries to passers-by stable accidents, reduce noise and environmental pollution problems, but also play a role of beautification, cleanliness and unity.
  Ji 'nan wai block why there will be deformation problem? Now you understand. If you still want to know the question, welcome to the website www.dajiajie.cn consultation, I believe the customer service staff will give you a good reply.

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