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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2021-11-26

臨邊護欄,是地鐵、建筑等施工場所的防護用品,開挖深度超過2 m的基坑周圍必須設置防護欄。方便的基礎護欄裝置,可重復使用。挖深超過2 m的基坑周圍要安裝臨邊護欄。
Side Guardrail, is the subway, construction sites, such as safety protection supplies, excavation depth of more than 2m must be installed around the guardrail. Convenient base guardrail device, can be reused. A parapet shall be installed around the excavation that is more than 2m deep.
護欄應符合以下規定:防護欄桿的高度不得低于1.2 m;防護欄桿應由橫桿和豎桿組成。桿件應設置2~3道,下桿離地高度宜為0.3?m~0.6 m,離地面高度宜為1.2?m~1.5 m;立桿間距不宜大于2.0 m,立桿間距大于0.5 m;防護欄桿宜加掛密目網和擋腳板。
The guardrail shall conform to the following provisions: the height of the guard rail shall not be less than 1.2 m; the Guard rail shall be composed of horizontal bars and vertical bars. BAR SHOULD BE SET TO 2 ~ 3 channels, the lower bar height should be 0.3? M ~ 0.6 m, 1.2 m above the ground? M ~ 1.5 m, the distance between the vertical bars should not be more than 2.0 m, the distance between the vertical bars should be more than 0.5 m, and the protective railings should be equipped with dense mesh safety net and baseboard.
網絡應從上下關閉設置;腳板高度不得小于180 mm,腳板下沿離地高度不得大于10 mm;防護欄桿應牢固牢固,資料應滿足的強度;基坑內應設置供施工人員上下的梯道。梯通道設置扶手欄桿,梯道寬度不小于1 m,梯道搭設應符合規范要求。
The safety net shall be closed from top to bottom, the height of the baseboard shall not be less than 180mm, the height of the lower edge of the baseboard shall not be more than 10mm off the ground, the protective railings shall be firm and the strength of the data shall be satisfied; In the foundation pit, there should be a ladder for the construction personnel to go up and down. The stairway shall be provided with handrail, the width of the stairway shall not be less than 1m, and the stairway shall be erected in accordance with the specifications.
臨邊護欄是什麼,防護欄桿高度不低于1.2 mm;防護欄桿由橫桿和豎桿組成。好在防護欄上安裝密目網和擋腳板。欄桿必須牢固,數據要符合要求。基礎護欄是一種用于基坑防護的護欄。
What is a parapet? The height of the parapet shall not be less than 1.2 mm; the parapet shall consist of a cross bar and a vertical bar. It is a good idea to install a blind safety net and baseboard on the guardrail. The railings must be strong and the data must meet the requirements. The foundation guardrail is a kind of guardrail used for foundation pit protection.
The height of its use is also required, too low can not play the role of protection, too high and will form a waste of data. What is the average height of a pit guardrail? The side guardrail can also be called the High Safety Guardrail Net, which is a kind of choice for the construction site maintenance workers.

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